
Annual Church Profile

July 18, 2019
Annual Church Profile

The Annual Church Profile (ACP) is an important tool for your church, association, and state and national conventions. The data collected is used in many ways to assist your congregations and to measure the effectiveness of ABSC and SBC ministries. It can also help your congregation to evaluate and plan. You may request a 10 or 20-year profile of your church’s responses to provide a comprehensive look at your church’s ministry.  Membership numbers are used to allot messengers to the following year’s annual meeting. 

The ACP Statistical Profile is a 13-question snapshot of a 12-month period in the life of your church. You may use any 12-month period, just as long the same 12-month period is used from year to year. We hope you will make every effort to complete all the information requested. The Leadership Profile provides current contact information for key leaders so the right people receive mailouts or emails from our teams to learn about available training, camps, etc. that may interest them.