Community Missions: Hunger Relief

"Around the world, as many as 811 million people – 1 out of 9 – go to bed on an empty stomach each night."
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This worldwide problem has impacted Arkansas. According to the Arkansas Food Bank, Arkansas ranks second in the nation for food insecurity. One in five Arkansans struggle to provide enough food for their family and 23.6% of Arkansas children have limited access to adequate food. Over 17% of Arkansans are facing hunger.
Many ABSC churches use food pantries, feeding stations, summer feeding ministry for children, weekend backpack ministries, delivering meals to seniors and homebound, and providing holiday meals to serve their communities and share the Gospel.
Through hunger relief offerings, Arkansas Baptists financially support 25 hunger ministries throughout the state. Funds are distributed according to a formula that considers the poverty level of the county, the number of people being fed, and the Gospel witness of the ministry. In addition, one-time grants are also given to assist hunger ministries throughout Arkansas. In 2020, over 840,000 individual meals were provided by ABSC-funded hunger ministries and 115 professions of faith were reported!
PRAYER POINTS: Pray for more opportunities for Arkansas Baptists to share the Gospel by using Global Hunger Relief funds to feed the hungry. Pray for each hunger ministry.
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