Community Missions: Pregnancy Care Centers

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New Beginnings Pregnancy Center in Benton is a ministry of Central Baptist Association. Our mission is to promote the value of life through educating and mentoring young families with biblical teaching and sharing God’s love. We do this by offering pregnancy confirmation and material resources for families, all for no charge.
Pregnancy can be a time of uncertainty and fear, even when a couple has planned for it. However, for those who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, it can be a time of intense emotions, interpersonal conflict and anxiety. Often family members and friends offer the pregnant mother advice or worse – pressure her to make a decision about her pregnancy. The staff and volunteers at New Beginnings do our best to give a pregnant mom all the factual information she needs to make a decision to continue the life of her baby. We do not coerce her or manipulate her by telling her falsehoods. This practice of “speaking the truth” is done in love.
With God’s love, we aim to educate women about the responsibility of parenthood and the privilege of it as well. As your church gives to the Cooperative Program, you are giving to the center in Benton and many others around Arkansas.
PRAYER POINTS: Pray that God would raise up volunteers from our churches to serve at pregnancy centers around the state. Pray that God would provide the funding needed to provide this ministry to everyone who needs it.
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