It’s VBS Go Time—Are you Ready?
It’s VBS Go Time—Are you Ready?
Having Big Wins during VBS
The anticipation rises every year as the big VBS week approaches—what’s the theme, what’s the content, what’s the music, what’s the décor? The excitement continues to rise as the décor goes up, invitations are sent and promotional videos broadcast. Even with all the excitement surrounding Vacation Bible School it’s so much more than just the fun games, exciting décor and upbeat music. Out of all the events that fill up a church calendar, VBS can end up being one of the largest evangelistic events of the year. With summer just around the track…it’s Go Time! Are you ready? Here are a few pointers to have big wins during your week of VBS:
- Start with the Play Book—a Prayer Strategy
Don’t underestimate what God wants to do in your community and in your church. Enlist a prayer team months in advance to start praying specifically for your VBS—the leaders, the kids that will be coming, the families involved, the planning process, impacting the kingdom, etc. This is a great way to get your adult Sunday School classes or senior adult ministries involved in the VBS strategy.
- Develop a Game Plan
Start prepping months in advance. Figure out the dates of your event, the location, the curriculum, the format. Then, start enlisting a team of leaders/volunteers to take your VBS to the next level. Who will head up crafts, snacks, bible study, missions, rec, etc?
- Prep for a Penalty Free Event
With any event dealing with children and minors, make sure policies and procedures are in place so you have a penalty-free event, such as screening process for your leaders (MinistrySafe & background checks), planning what to do in case of emergencies (medical, weather related, boo-boos, allergies, etc), enlisting a security team, lock down procedures and overall safety plan.
- Practice, Practice, Practice: Train the Team
With every win comes time spent practicing and preparing for the event. Train your team of leaders and volunteers before game day of your VBS. This includes prepping your team on what to expect, the content in the curriculum, working with the children you’re assigned, the penalty-free safety policies/procedures, the prayer strategy, the schedule, etc. Most importantly, do not forget to train the team on the biggest game play of all—How to Lead a Child to Christ. This is what VBS is all about, sharing the gospel and impacting the Kingdom. This is your biggest win; don’t miss out on this strategic game play.
- Celebrate the Victories: Follow Through
With every win comes the victory celebration. Be intentional on following up and celebrate with the families that attended during VBS. Be sure to connect after your big week, especially with the families new to your church and with the children who made decisions or had additional questions during VBS. No win is complete without the victory celebration. Don’t forget this strategic part of the game plan.
With these few pointers in place, hopefully you’ll be right on track to successful wins at your upcoming VBS. For additional helps in developing your VBS Game Plan, visit for VBS trainings near you and additional resources to help you have big wins this summer.