
The Grind: Who's Your One

July 21, 2020
The Grind: Who's Your One

In this episode of The Grind, Neal and Greg talk to Laramie LeQuieu, Church Health Leadership Specialist, on the Church Health & Evangelism team at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention about the ‘Who’s Your One’ campaign. What is it? What can it be used for? All these questions and more are answered, so stay tuned. 


Questions Discussed: 

What is the ‘Who’s Your One’ tool?

What are the nuts and bolts in how you do ‘Who’s Your One?’ 

How do you teach this?

Is this something that can be easy for church planters to get and implement? 



The Grind email:

Laramie LeQuieu email:

Who’s Your One Resources

Who’s Your One Website 

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