Arkansas World Hunger Offering Sunday

"Around the world, as many as 811 million people – 1 out of 9 – go to bed on an empty stomach each night."
After steadily declining for a decade, world hunger is on the rise, affecting 9.9 percent of people. Many ABSC churches serve their communities to meet the hunger need, while also using the opportunity to share the Gospel. These churches use food pantries, feeding stations, summer feeding ministry for children, weekend backpack ministries, delivering meals to seniors and homebound, and providing holiday meals.
Globally, Southern Baptists meet the hunger needs in famine or natural disasters through the ongoing ministry of Send Relief. Send Relief also focuses on long-term, sustainable solutions to end chronic hunger, such as job skills training, livestock and seed distribution, clean water, medical care and more.
Through hunger relief offerings, Arkansas Baptists financially support 25 hunger ministries throughout the state.
Arkansas Baptist churches are encouraged to give to the hunger ministries of Arkansas Baptists and Send Relief for the annual Global Hunger Relief Offering. The offering will be distributed between Send Relief (75%) and ABSC Hunger Ministries (25%).
Last year, the Hunger Sites supported by the ABSC reported:
345,205 individuals fed
472 professions of faith
February 9th is a Sunday dedicated to giving to the Arkansas World Hunger Offering. Together, we want to partner with churches to fight world hunger!