

Student Medical Release Form

Need a medical release for your students?

The Simple Christmas Invitation

If you need a simple Christmas invitation to invite guests to your worship service, check out these documents! 

Tips for Treasurers

Short video resources for church treasurers & finance teams!

Titus 2 Discipleship Strategy

Arkansas has around 1300 churches without vocational student pastors. To reach students, what if churches created a plan, built on small groups, that allowed for older generations to interact with younger generations with the purpose of creating a more cohesive church? What if the church family was strengthened by doing discipleship, missions, fellowship, and evangelism across age groups?

VBS Prayer Strategy Ideas

These prayer ideas were designed with Galactic Starveyors in mind. However, they can be easily adapted for other resources and events.

Volunteer Background Check Authorization Form

Good guys don't always wear superhero capes, and bad guys don't always have shifty eyes and devious-sounding chuckles. In real life, discerning the heroes from the villains often requires more than a visual assessment. That means you can't know whether someone is "good" or "bad" by looking at them when they walk through the front door of your church and volunteer to serve.

Ways to Use Bible Flashcards With Children

Ways to utilize Bible Flashcards as a learning tool for children

Who's Your One Timeline

A timeline you can use for Who's Your One in your church

Women’s Ministry- Keys to Effective Growth

The resources introduce five basic keys to establishing an effective plan for ministering to women, then builds upon this foundation with varying levels of growth.

Youth Trip Permission Slip

Arrange a trip? Need a permission slip?
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