
SERVE LOCAL: Evangelism Tips

“One Day: Serve Local” Evangelism Tips

Intentional evangelism is at the heart of “One Day: Serve Local.” Other organizations can host fun community events, perform community enhancement projects, and even go door-to-door in neighborhoods, but the Gospel separates you and your service. Here are some tips to help you to be intentional in evangelism.

Select a method. There are many evangelism methods available so select the method that works best for your team and your ministry. We have created training videos showing three methods for sharing the Gospel: the Gospel bracelet, 3 Circles, and the Evangecube. For an event where one-on-one conversations are desired, the Gospel Bracelet or 3 Circles might be the best choices, while the Evangecube could possibly be the best choice for a children’s event. Evaluate your team and the area in which you serve, then choose the method that works best for both.

Regardless of which evangelism method you choose, let’s be intentional in sharing the Gospel!

Train your people. Team members cannot be expected to share their faith if they are not trained in the method. We have created videos showing how to share the Gospel with the Gospel Bracelet, Three Circles, and the Evangecube. View these videos HERE. Use them to familiarize yourself with the method, then either show the video to your people or teach the method yourself. Take time to let your people practice so that they are comfortable before they are expected to share with someone.

Take COVID-19 Precautions. “One Day: Serve Local” can have a positive impact on your church and community, but carelessness in regard to COVID precautions can remove the positive focus and leave some in your community with a negative perception of your church. Information on developing safety guidelines for your Serve Local day is available HERE.

Begin with the end in mind. As you plan your Serve Local day, begin with the end in mind. During the day, you expect people to be saved and to discover other prospects, so you need information on those you serve and speak with to follow up with each person. There are a variety of ways to obtain the information you need.

For Serve Local events or activities where you are inviting people to attend, a table can be provided at the entrance to the event where participants are encouraged to complete a simple Registration Card. A printable Registration Card has been provided HERE

The Gospel Bracelet is not only an excellent evangelism tool for your event or activity, but it can provide your team members the opportunity to ask everyone who attends to register.  Upon completion of registration, simply give the person the bracelet as a sort of admission to your event. Train your team members to look for the bracelet during the event. If they see someone without a bracelet, have them offer to accompany that person to the registration table to receive their “admission ticket”. This also provides an opportunity for that team member to share Jesus with the individual.

In addition to a Registration Card, contact information can be obtained by using a Decision Card to record the results of Gospel conversations that take place during the day.  A printable Decision Card has been provided HERE. Since the purpose of Serve Local is to meet needs and share Jesus, each team member should be equipped with Decision Cards.  Or, if team members choose, they can access an online Serve Local decision card at

After the conclusion of your Serve Local day, the work begins on follow up. Follow up is an intentional process that gives life to Registration Cards and Decision Cards. This process recognizes what people need, when they need it, and provides you the tools and insight to connect with them intimately. It will also help identify opportunities for future ministry. In order to effectively follow up, ensure that registration is completed at events and that proper documentation is made regarding contacts at other ministry sites.

Additional follow up resources are available HERE.

Celebrate. Jesus teaches in Luke 15 that there is great rejoicing in Heaven when one sinner repents. As people are saved through your Serve Local ministry, you will want to plan a special celebration emphasis. The Sunday following Serve Local can be a great day to celebrate the ministry performed and the willingness of your people to serve.  Assign a team to capture video and pictures of your people in action during Serve Local. Begin your Sunday celebration with a video or photo presentation with music in the background.  Even if you don’t have a media team, you probably have a tech savvy student or young adult who would be willing to serve in this way. Have someone share a testimony of a gospel conversation. Plan a celebratory baptism service. As you continue with follow up in the weeks following, celebrate as opportunities arise.

Following these steps will help your church be intentional in sharing the Gospel and just as intentional in celebrating the results.