
5 Ways to Encourage Giving in Your Church

October 3, 2016
5 Ways to Encourage Giving in Your Church

If you are a pastor or church leader, it is very likely that you have read Malachi 3:10 or 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 before the offertory encouraging your church to give to the Lord’s work.  

While God’s Word speaks for itself, maybe you are looking for another way to talk about money with your church. If you have read Art Rainer’s recent article “5 Ways to Kill Giving in Your Church,” something you might be overlooking is simply explaining how the money your church members give is used for ministry.   

CP Share is a tool created specifically to help teach the impact of giving to the local church. Believers who are faithfully giving to churches that give to the Cooperative Program are taking the good news of Jesus to the world! This is the common thread in every CP Share packet.

CP Share is purposed for pastors and church leaders. You do not pay anything or need permission to use CP Share videos or articles, and how you use them is up to you.

Here are five ways you can encourage your church to give simply by using a CP Share video:  

1. Use as a sermon illustration

There are probably members of your church who have heard more than a few sermons on stewardship over the years, while others may have never thought about biblical stewardship. You can use CP Share as a fresh and visual illustration to teach the importance of giving to the church.

CP Share explains how every person and every church has a responsibility to live out the Great Commission, and an important piece of that is giving. A church that faithfully gives to the Cooperative Program puts missionaries on the mission field, church planters in unreached communities, and ministers on college campuses.

2. Show to your church during the offering

CP Share videos are three minutes long or less. While you could use a video at any point during your church service, playing the video during the offering can affirm and encourage those who have given without making others feel pressured to do so.

A CP Share video also engages different age groups, especially young people. Young people are the least likely members of your church to know where their money goes when they give. CP Share is a great way to help them connect the dots. They will quickly and tangibly see the vision—that when they give, they are giving to missions—and that they have influence to make ministry happen. 

3. Show to your finance/stewardship committee

When these committees are making decisions, CP Share videos are a reminder of the personal, Kingdom impact that a strategic church budget can make. These committees may even choose to use it as a way to affirm or cast the vision for your church when they present the budget.

4. Show to your missions pastor, committee, or team

Make sure that your missions pastor, committee, team, or anyone else in your church who is passionate about missions knows about CP Share. Because CP Share is produced each month and features different missions supported by cooperative giving, missions leaders can stay informed about what God is doing and opportunities they can plug into. You can also encourage them to use CP Share when they are promoting missions offerings like Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

5. Share on your church’s social media

If your church has a social media presence, CP Share allows your church members, visitors, and community members to see what you are a part of as an Arkansas Baptist church.

CP Share videos are easily shareable. It’s as easy as downloading then uploading the video, copying and pasting the hyperlink from Vimeo, or sharing the video from the Arkansas Baptist State Convention’s Facebook page (@arkansasbaptists).

Inspire your church to be more engaged in giving to missions along with other Arkansas Baptists through the Cooperative Program. Find all CP Share videos and articles at