Church Planting | Dixie Jackson 2022

As Southern Baptists, we understand the need for church planting efforts in various parts of the United States and around the world. But it can be harder to grasp why church planting is necessary within our own state.
After all, we live in the Bible Belt where we already have a wealth of churches. Is there truly a need for more?
WHEN WE HEAR CHURCH PLANTERS LIKE TORVAC AMOS share their stories, it becomes clear just how real the need is. After sensing the call to minister in the Central Arkansas area, Pastor Amos began researching the demographics. He discovered a community of around 17,000 African Americans that had been largely unreached with the Gospel message.
Pastor Amos had served in traditional ministry for years, but God opened his eyes to needs that stretched beyond the existing established churches. Fortunately, he was not alone.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN SHERWOOD also recognized the need for additional churches in their community and had begun setting aside resources to contribute to church planting efforts. The pieces were in place for a partnership to begin, allowing First Baptist and Pastor Amos to join forces and launch Fresh Start Community Church.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN HOT SPRINGS has seen the need as well. Their vision included church plants in Sheridan, Little Rock, and right in their own city of Hot Springs, all established to meet the needs of people often rejected by the rest of society.
It can be hard to believe that even here in Arkansas where churches exist everywhere, there are entire communities lacking a Gospel witness. But it’s a reality all across our state.
God is opening the eyes of Arkansas Baptists just like you and me, helping us to see whole communities where people are living in shadows.
NIGHT IS COMING when there will be no chance for them to see the light at all. When we come together to give and to serve through Dixie Jackson State Missions, we can carry that light into these communities where it is so desperately needed.