Community Missions | Dixie Jackson 2022

Each year in September, churches around the state promote Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions. A week of prayer is observed, stories are shared, and the annual offering is taken.
This is such an important time of learning, praying, and giving. But the best thing about Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions is that it never has to stop with just one week in September. Nor does it stop with a prayer guide and an annual offering. Instead, every Arkansas Baptist can be an active part of Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions throughout the year!
STEVE AND JOANNA LASITER first discovered this joy of involvement in 2012 when they learned about the annual One Day Acts 1:8 Missions Experience.
This powerful one-day missions trip enables Arkansans to join forces in a single location, spreading the love of Christ with a community through a wide range of mission activities.
PRAYER WALKING GROUPS CANVAS THE AREA while evangelism teams knock on doors or chat with people out in their yards. Block parties, fishing derbies, and other fun activities draw in children and families. Other teams head to laundromats with bags full of quarters to cover the cost of a load of laundry for customers and strike up conversations while waiting for the clothes to wash and dry.
And the list goes on. The Lasiters quickly discovered that this was an opportunity for their whole family to serve together, sharing the love of Christ as a team.
But then they discovered that they could bring One Day home to Conway with One Day:Serve Local. Equipped with ideas and resources provided through the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, the Lasiters helped spearhead a local event patterned after the statewide One Day event.
MANY ARKANSAS BAPTISTS want to be a part of spreading the light of Christ in their communities, but they just don’t know where to start. Participating in One Day, whether in the annual statewide event or in a Serve Local event, provides a sense of direction and gives whole families a taste of the joy of doing