
College + Young Leaders

How Baptist Collegiate Ministry works

I will never forget September of 2005. Hurricane Katrina had just wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast. A few weeks later, during fall break, I joined a mission team to provide disaster relief through meals, mud-outs, and sharing the hope of the Gospel. I learned firsthand that Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR) is the third-largest relief organization in the world. This understanding and experience gave me a greater appreciation for DR ministry and deepened my excitement for partnership opportunities. 
May 10, 2023
College + Young Leaders

Help Others See God

We live in a world where pain and loneliness lurk around every corner. Almost daily, I talk to people who long for hope and help. Life can be hard even for the most mature Christians. Think about how difficult it must be for others. Most people do not know the deep joy that comes from the love of God and his people. They often settle for heartbreaking substitutes (such as drugs) that make empty promises and leave people more desperate and broken than before.
May 3, 2023
College + Young Leaders

Preparing for graduation

Graduation is just around the corner! For university students, it will happen in a matter of weeks and for high school students, in about a month. Of course, there are minor details such as finals that have to be taken, but rarely do those keep students from achieving their dreams of graduating. After graduation, students experience a sense of freedom, but they also face the looming question of “What now?” 
April 18, 2023
College + Young Leaders

Calling out the Called

“It is urgent that denominations, networks and independent churches determine how to best motivate, mobilize, resource and deploy more young pastors,” said David Kinnaman, President of Barna Research, after a 2017 research study revealed the median age of pastors in America to be 55 years old.
April 11, 2023
College + Young Leaders

Two shifts to help your church communicate with Gen Z

Every generation is different. Generation Z is the youngest generation that we have data on and have been able to study their habits. If your church wants to connect better with youth and young adults here are two shifts to pay attention to. 
January 10, 2023
College + Young Leaders

Parent's Guide to Child's Senior Year

Over 33,000 students will graduate from Arkansas High Schools this year, according to the ADE Data Center. Even more students will finish their coursework through homeschooling, private schools and co-ops in the state. The transition that awaits a student as they cross the graduation stage is one of the most important transitions in their lives. In many ways, these students are graduating from more than just high school. They are graduating from a life and a schedule that has been somewhat routine, predictable and charted for them into an unknown.
December 6, 2022
College + Young Leaders

From a Simple Invitation to Salvation

 “Be sure to invite your friends!”  These are words that we often hear when it comes to church-related activities and services.  We hear those words so often that they probably go unnoticed.  But for one student, it turned a life of turmoil into a life surrendered to God.  
November 14, 2022
College + Young Leaders

A Call to Reach the Nations

I firmly believe God uses BCM ministries to raise up and call out students to a variety of ministry callings. Below, I’ve asked Kayla to share just how that began to happen in her life. I hope you will pray for her and many other college students God will use to reach the nations!  
November 8, 2022
College + Young Leaders

UAM inducts BCM Campus Minister Jeremy Woodall into Sports Hall of Fame

It is impossible to overstate the importance of our Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) on campuses around our state. The microcosm expression of cooperative missions is treasured in the hearts of thousands of current and former collegians who fill our pulpits, serve on the mission field, sit in our pews, teach our classes, lead our Bible studies and raise families in the communities of Arkansas and around the nation. But I was personally reminded of the depth of their impact when one of our very own, Jeremy Woodall, was recognized by the University of Arkansas at Monticello (UAM) athletic department and inducted into the UAM Sports Hall of Fame for the Spirit Award.  
October 25, 2022
College + Young Leaders

The Power of Prayer

August 17 marked the beginning of a new school year at the University of Arkansas at Monticello (UAM) and my seventh as Campus Minister for the Baptist Collegiate Ministry on this campus. It also marked the beginning of a 40 Days of Prayer initiative started by my neighbor, Teresa Stark. Mrs. Teresa is the wife of Dr. Robert Stark, a 26-year professor of agriculture at UAM.  
October 19, 2022
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