
Prayer Partner with a Southeast Asia Missionary

December 5, 2016

Your church, small group, Sunday School class, family, or any other group you can think of can become a prayer partner with a Southeast Asia missionary and a prayer advocate for the people groups the missionary is targeting. Check out more below the video.  


What would a prayer partnership look like?

  • Your missionary will send out regular prayer requests - some monthly, some quarterly, some almost daily if they use social media. (Pastors, when it comes to your pulpit prayer ministry, a great way to involve a church member would be to ask him/her to be your prayer coordinator - the person who receives prayer requests and corresponds with the missionary. That person would put requests in capsule form - ready for you to use on Sunday.) 
  • Share prayer requests with your group and pray! (Share with the entire church if you pray for your missionary during a service, your class at meetings, etc.) 
  • You can go the extra mile and educate your group about the people group(s) you're praying for. Sites like the Joshua Project and IMB Global Research are very helpful.
  • Maybe annually, or once every six months, have a church wide meal, eating what your target people groups eat.  Children could dress up like your people group, etc.  Have fun with it, but use it as another prayer time.
  • Skype with your missionary every so often. 
  • Find out from your missionary how and where their name can be used. (For security purposes.)
  • You can easily expand this prayer ministry to include a state church planter and a church planter in another U.S. city.  

Here’s how to get started: 

  1. Fill out this online form
  1. The ABSC Missions Team will contact you soon! Information about these missionaries is secure and we do not store it online.