Pregnancy Care Centers | Dixie Jackson 2022

Many women in our state feel like night has already come. Their lives are filled with darkness and desperation, and they have no hope for light.
As Christians, we have the opportunity to show these desperate women that the Light of the world is still very present and active, and He loves them dearly.
ROBIN CALDWELL, DIRECTOR OF HOPE PLACE PREGNANCY CARE CENTER in Newport, knows firsthand just how powerful this message of light can be in the darkness of a young woman’s life. The simple act of offering a shoulder to cry on, a life skills or parenting class, or a weekly support group can bring unimaginable light into a dark life.
Help centers such as Hope Place focus first and foremost on ministering to young women in crisis pregnancy situations. They joyfully celebrate every woman who chooses life over abortion.
BUT THEY ALSO STRONGLY RECOGNIZE THAT BEING PRO-LIFE isn’t just about preventing abortion. It’s about shining light into the lives of women processing through rehab, re-entering society after serving prison sentences, and struggling through so many other desperate situations.
It is urgent that we reach these women with that light.
Fortunately, as Arkansas Baptists, we have a fantastic avenue for accomplishing this work. And none of us has to do it alone! As we partner through Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions, we also share the avenue through which anyone can be involved in one of the 43 pregnancy care centers operating throughout the state of Arkansas.
THANKS TO DIXIE JACKSON, these centers have prayer support from around the state as Arkansas Baptist churches join to show care. They have funding through generous giving to the Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering. And they have volunteers as Arkansas Baptists hear about the needs and rise to give of their time and energy.
But the needs are great, and the time is growing short. We are all called to the works of the Father as long as it is still day, and treasuring life is a work of such great importance.
Night is coming when the darkness of these women’s lives will become permanent. But there is still time to shine the light of life into their desperate hearts through praying, giving, and actively engaging in the lives of women.