Tips for Welcoming a New Youth Pastor

- Communicate excitement
- Encourage students tell their friends about the “new youth pastor” and give them the information to help that effort
- Be positive
- Does anything need to be updated and improved before the new minister gets here (in other words, clean up)
- Sound stuff needs to be ready to go
- Visual stuff needs to be ready
- Office needs to be ready
- Let the person get the things he/she needs to be successful
- Give extra time to adjust
- Don’t expect him/her to come in and be ultra-prepared. It’s a huge transition for his/her family.
- Remember, your new youth pastor may be leaving a church and community and friends
- Give time to know what is going on in the lives of the church members
- Don’t assume the new youth pastor knows anything about health issues, crises, situations, etc. that may need to be addressed
- Don’t be hypersensitive or critical
- He/she may not remember your name immediately
- He/she may not respond in the way that you would expect
- Learn each other and learn each other’s personality
- Don’t always go with your first impression
- Be patient, there is a lot to learn in a short amount of time
- Be the new youth pastor’s advocate, friend
- Invite him/her to community events or school activities
- Be a host, introducing him/her to people
- Don’t leave this person out on an island to be by himself/herself at school/community events
- Help him/her get engaged in conversations and in events
- Don’t manipulate the youth pastor’s “newness” to try and accomplish something you have wanted for a long time
- Wear name tags the first few Wednesday nights
- Shower the “new minister’s family” with gifts and helpful items
- Restaurant cards
- Gift cards
- School activity pass
- Local school clothing
- Gifts that would help them fit into the community
- Be willing to be led
- He/she doesn’t know the sacred cows, the sacred traditions
- He/she will have a fresh set of eyes and fresh set of ideas. Work together to determine the Lord’s will for the student ministry. It’s a new day.
- Jump in and be ready to work
- Having a new leader can be one of the quickest and strongest momentum creators in your ministry. Be ready to go.
- Give grace. We’re all growing
- Understand that neither the new youth minister nor you will be the same a couple of years from now. You are both being transformed by God’s grace and growing in Him.
- Before you expect him/her to be something, find out who he/she is first.
- You have a new start with this minister
- Any old grievances, any old reputations, any former divisions you may have had with former leadership are gone. Count this as an opportunity to start fresh and new.
- Pray for the new minister and family