Interim Ministry and Pastor Search

The time between pastors can be challenging for church leadership. We can help resource you in several areas:  

  • Connect you with an 8-week SmartStart Interim minister (see "A" below)
  • Help you explore the Intentional Interim Ministry process (see "B" below)
  • We offer pastor search committee training and materials (see "C" below) 
  • We can help you find pulpit supply - we have lists of available supply ministers (see "D" below)
  • We can help you connect with a traditional interim minister - we have lists of available interim ministers (see "D" below)

A.  SmartStart

SmartStart is an eight week investment in the life of your church.  The trained SmartStart interim can help calm the natural anxiety that happens when a pastor leaves and provides immediate pulpit supply.  A leadership team consisting of existing church-approved leaders works with the SmartStart Interim to help bring information to and plan activities for the church.  Goals of the SmartStart Interim process include:


  • Help the church prepare spiritually for the search process
  • Discover areas that need attention before a new pastor arrives
  • Help the church clarify how ministry continues during the interim
  • Help the church understand options and choose direction for long-term interim leadership
  • Form and train a pastor search committee

Download a the SmartStart brochure HERE. 


If you are interested in scheduling a consultation for a SmartStart interim, contact Rachel Wolfe at or at 1.800.838.2272 ext. 5103


B. Intentional Interim Ministry: Many churches find that the Intentional Interim Ministry (IIM) can be helpful as they prepare to welcome a new pastor. This is a process led by a trained IIM pastor who leads the church through five focus points with the help of a transition team made up of church members. You may contact Rachel Wolfe at or at 1.800.838.2272 ext. 5103 to schedule a presentation of the IIM process or to request copies of a brochure that explains the IIM process. You can download the IIM brochure here.


C. Pastor Search Committee Training: If your church would like a consultant to train your pastor search committee, contact Jimmie Sheffield at 800-838-2272, ext. 5103 (toll free in Arkansas) or email The booklet, The Search Is On - Finding & Calling a Pastor, is available by: 

  • View the enitre booklet and order copies online Click HERE
  • You may also order copies by calling Rachel Wolfe at 1.800.838.2272 ext. 5103 or email

D. Pulpit Supply & Traditional Interim Lists: To obtain a list of men who are available to supply or serve as a short term traditional interim, contact  Rachel Wolfe at 1.800.838.2272 ext. 5103 or email