
College + Young Leaders

Millennials: Authority OR Authenticity?

This generation wants leaders to inflame them to join something bigger than themselves–a movement, a cause–usually represented by a color.
February 10, 2016
College + Young Leaders

Engaging The Skeptical Culture

The man who wrote two online articles– “I Want to be a Zombie Ant” and “A Ray of Light: The Timeless Life of a Photon”– is also...

January 21, 2016
College + Young Leaders

5 Reasons College Students Should Serve on a Nehemiah Team

In college there are a thousand different endeavors, organizations and causes screaming in your ear to heed their warning, join their cause...

December 11, 2015
College + Young Leaders

A Personal Tribute To The Baptist Collegiate Ministry

Frank Dudley. That name probably means nothing to you if you live in Arkansas, but to an East Texas Baptist University junior transfer from...

August 11, 2015
College + Young Leaders

Five Effective Ways Arkansas Churches Are Reaching Internationals

There are 4,964 international students in Arkansas. The majority of these come from the 10/40 window. Many of these have no idea of what Jesus Christ has done for them.
August 1, 2015
College + Young Leaders

For Columbus- Arkansas Collegiates Lead the Way

A twenty-something male stands just inside the glass doorway of the Ohio State University student union. He’s struggling to answer the question asked by an out-of-state stranger, Arkansas State University incoming freshman, Kaitlyn Stockert.
July 14, 2015
College + Young Leaders

Pain In Paradise

When most people hear the word “Hawaii,” they picture beautiful beaches, tropical lands, amazing sunsets, and hula dances at a luau....

July 10, 2015
College + Young Leaders

Planning a Short-Term Mission Trip

Short-term mission trips can be valuable to both parties involved. With careful planning and with a right heart, both those on the field and those serving can have an impactful experience.
April 9, 2015
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