Family Ministries

The Evangelism and Church Health Team serves churches by helping them develop milestone family ministry strategies to equip parents through the different stages of their children’s growth.  We help churches develop strategies and ministries related to the unique context of their church setting that will effectively reach and retain families.  Our team also regularly consults with pastors, staff, and lay leaders through phone calls, emails, and face-to-face meetings to address church health and growth issues related to family ministry.

Healthy Relationships . . . Healthy Homes . . . Healthy Churches


Evangelism + Church Health

How to Plan a Marriage Retreat

Marriage is a journey with valleys and mountain top experiences. Many couples today struggle with navigating their relationship through...

May 24, 2021
Evangelism + Church Health

How to Champion Marriage

Have you thought about how to champion marriage in your church? How are you championing your own marriage? Not everyone in your church is married, but everyone in your church is affected by healthy or unhealthy marriages. What if you as a couple or your church added an element of marriage enrichment each year to champion marriage? Here are some strategies to help you nurture your own marriage and make an impact in the lives of couples . . .
May 24, 2021
Evangelism + Church Health

Devotional Ideas for Couples

Other than our relationship with Jesus Christ, our relationship to our spouse is the next most important relationship. It’s important that we intentionally nurture that relationship in a variety of ways for spiritual and relational health. Below are a few suggestions to help you take some initiative to invest in marriage.
May 24, 2021
Evangelism + Church Health

The Couple Checkup

Most couples spend so much time consumed with the health of their kids or jobs or hobbies or sports that the health of their marriage relationship often suffers.
May 24, 2021
Evangelism + Church Health

Next Generation & Family Ministries during COVID-19

Managing the current challenges in next generation and family ministry is doable
April 17, 2020
Evangelism + Church Health

Pastor Appreciation- Kid Style

October is pastor appreciation month and it’s a great time to connect the children in your church with your pastor and other staff.
August 5, 2015