

A testimony from serving with Disaster Relief in Pocahontas

Steve Jenkins shares the blessing of being able to bring help, healing, and hope to a Pocahontas farmer.
May 24, 2017

Coloring for Jesus

Disaster relief volunteers often work with children whose families have gone through natural disasters.
April 10, 2017

The Church at Affton

The Church at Affton is part of SEND St. Louis and is a replant pastored by Jason Helmbacher. God is at work and the church invites you to...

March 14, 2017

Dakotas Church Planting

The Dakota Baptist Convention is looking for partners to come alongside church planters in North and South Dakota. A "CATCH THE VISION"...

February 9, 2017

Why Disaster Relief?

Sometimes the need is flood remediation, removal of tree limb debris, or a hot meal to get through another long day. Always, Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers go to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
February 9, 2017

Parkside Church - San Diego

Parkside Church, Oceanside, California
January 20, 2017

Prayer Partner with a Southeast Asia Missionary

Your church, small group, Sunday School class, family, or any other group you can think of can become a prayer partner with a Southeast Asia missionary and a prayer advocate for the people groups the missionary is targeting.
December 5, 2016

I Am a Missionary

After attending Missions GetAway for Girls, a 6-year-old girl came home from school upset about what one of her friends said about her.
November 11, 2016

Family Holiday Missions

The holidays draw near and people begin to think about their family coming together, exchanging Christmas gifts, or going on a vacation for...

November 4, 2016

Arkansas Disaster Relief Sees God's Sovereignty over Louisiana Floods

In August 2016, rainfall in Louisiana—which totaled nearly two feet in some areas—resulted in flooding that impacted an estimated...

September 14, 2016
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