

Acts 1:8 Strategy Training

Your church can develop a strategy to lead its members to obey ACTS 1:8 in order to be Jesus’ witnesses in your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Uttermost parts of the world.
  • Missions

Adopt a School

The current state of education has created unique opportunities for churches to become involved: schools are faced with financial shortages, not enough teachers, low morale from teachers and staff who feel unsupported, and a need for more up-to-date resources and equipment.
  • Missions

Arkansas Baptist Builders

Arkansas Baptist Builders is composed of volunteer teams from churches and associations who love to share the gospel while using their skills to help churches, ministries, and individuals with construction needs.
  • Missions

Arkansas Master'Singers

Who are the Arkansas Master'Singers?
  • Evangelism + Church Health


We can assist your church by providing consultation and resources that will help new people consider your church to be their church too.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Baptist Collegiate Ministry

Each Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) serves Arkansas churches by reaching next generation leaders with the Gospel on the most strategic mission field in the world – a college campus.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Bible Drill

Bible Drill is a discipleship tool for teaching children and youth God’s Word.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Bible Storying

Bible storying is crafting stories that are biblically accurate for the purpose of sharing Jesus with anyone and everyone.
  • Missions

Block Party Ministry

Block party ministry is a great way to reach your local community with lasting effects not only on the community but also on the hosting church.
  • Missions

Building & Space Analysis

We assist Arkansas Baptist churches in evaluating existing facilities, planning for growth, and utilizing every option available to provide adequate, effective space.
  • Evangelism + Church Health


The experience of a week-long mission trip packaged into a single weekend
  • Missions

Camp Paron

Camp Paron is the perfect place to get away from it all and experience adventure in a serene setting with camps, conferences, retreats, family reunions, weddings, and corporate events.
  • Executive + Administrative

Campers On Mission

Arkansas Campers on Mission is a national fellowship of Christian campers who share their faith while camping.
  • Missions


Chaplains go out into the world and develop meaningful relationships that provide pathways for the Gospel to be shared with those who are unlikely to find it in any other way.
  • Missions

Children's Missions Discipleship

Missions discipleship for children is, at its core, about making disciples. It’s about reaching the lost and helping them grow to become on-mission Christians.
  • Missions

Christian Men's Job Corps

Christian Men’s Job Corps seeks to equip men, in a Christian context, for life and employment.
  • Missions

Christian Women's Job Corps

Christian Women’s Job Corps seeks to equip women, in a Christian context, for life and employment.
  • Missions

Church Administration

As with any organization, the local church has a vast array of needs related to conducting business, handling finances and stewardship, and managing ministries and personnel.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Church Renewal Journey

Church Renewal Journey is a series of five lay-led weekends designed to engage the laity of churches to come together for a biblical-based spiritual journey with the aim that participants become on-mission with God.
  • Missions

Church Revitalization

Our church revitalization approach is not a program, but rather a process that is pastor-led and fully customized for the unique needs of each congregation.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Committees & Ministry Teams

In the church, a need exists for more formal kinds of service (committees) and more informal ministry involvement (ministry teams).
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Community Missions

Community Missions is a unique blend of ministry opportunities you & your church can plug into in order to reach those in your community & beyond.
  • Missions

Community Missions Follow-Up

Community missions lead to the discovery of unchurched residents of the community, as well as seeing people make professions of faith. Following the conclusion of your community missions endeavor, the work of follow-up begins. T
  • Missions

Community Needs Assessments

The Community Needs Assessment tool is the first step in analyzing the make-up of the families and community services that are in and around the local church.
  • Missions


Conflict will arise. We stand ready to help walk you through the process of biblical reconciliation to find unity again.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Conflict Reconciliation

The CRM (Conflict Reconciliation Ministry) is designed to provide assistance to hurting and conflicted churches.
  • Executive + Administrative

Construction Ministry

There are several construction opportunities for mission minded folks to get involved in!
  • Missions

Deacon Ministry

Deacons play an important biblical role in the ministry and function of the local church. We can assist churches by helping them understand biblical deacon ministry.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Disaster Relief

ABSC Disaster Relief extends the love of Christ to disaster survivors by preparing hot meals, removing damaging trees and debris, tarping roofs, shoveling mud, providing emergency communications, and coordinating the response through Incident Command leadership.
  • Missions


We can assist your church in developing an intentional process of making disciples, moving believers beyond a profession of faith to a life devoted to following Christ and fulfilling His mission.
  • Evangelism + Church Health


The Evangelism Ministry consists of personal witness training, revival preparation and total church evangelism strategy.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Explore Your Call

The Arkansas Baptist State Convention is pleased to partner with those called to the ministry, their churches, and their families for the purpose of clarifying God’s call, preparing for God’s call, and beginning to practice God’s call.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Family Ministries

The church is a family of families. Growing churches are reaching a variety of different families and meeting specific needs.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Growth Barriers

Have you ever felt like your church was stuck, but you did not know why? We can assist churches in understanding both the reality of these barriers and how to remove them.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Hunger Ministry

Arkansas Baptist churches have a desire to serve those in need. Food Pantries are are an effective ministry that churches use to reach out to the community.
  • Missions

Interim Ministry and Pastor Search

The time between pastors can be challenging for church leadership. If your church would like to explore the Intentional Interim Ministry process, there are resources available.
  • Executive + Administrative

International Mission Board Alumni

This alumni group is comprised of anyone who has served with the International Mission Board, SBC (i.e. career, short-term, MK/TCK, Journeyman, etc.) and now resides in Arkansas.
  • Missions

International Missions

The Arkansas Baptist State Convention National/International Missions office stands ready to help your church develop and carry out a strategy of missions involvement.
  • Missions

International People Groups in Arkansas

Discover people groups in your local context, encounter them in meaningful relationships, and engage them with appropriate discipleship strategies.
  • Church Planting

Jail and Prison Ministry

Is God calling you to jail or prison ministry? There are 75 counties in Arkansas, and each of them have at least a city or county jail.
  • Missions

Kids Ministry

We seek to assist churches in the area of children’s ministry through quality training, consultations and resources designed to support churches.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Literacy Missions

Literacy Missions training prepares Arkansas Baptists to help people who are internationals, adults learning to read and write, and students who need tutoring.
  • Missions

Marriage Ministry

Marriage was ordained by God and is strengthened through regular involvement in the church. Churches can help couples prepare for marriage, grow in their marriage, and repair struggling marriages.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Medical and Dental Missions

Medical and Dental clinics are an excellent avenue to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. While attending to people's immediate physical needs, we are also able to minister to their eternal/spiritual needs.
  • Missions

Men's Ministry

God has called men to be leaders in their homes and in their churches. We want to help minister to men in how to be the spiritual leaders God has called them to be.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Men's Missions

The purpose of men’s missions is to assist Arkansas Baptists in reaching and serving the men and boys in our churches, cities and our state.
  • Missions

Ministers' Wives of Arkansas

A fully developed ministry program offers the ministers' wives the opportunity to worship, grow, connect, serve, and share—together!
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Missionary Parents Fellowship

The Arkansas Missionary Parents Fellowship exists to provide a network for parents and family members of missionaries serving on international fields
  • Missions

Missions Praying and Giving

Missionaries say prayer is the most important action church members can do for them.
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Multi-Housing Missions

We are praying for more individuals/ couples to be raised up to minister within, or even move into apartment communities to serve and love on purpose.
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Music & Worship

The purpose of worship is to glorify, honor, exalt, and please God. It is our desire to partner with local churches and associations to encourage, equip and strengthen churches toward healthy worship practices.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

North American Missions

The Arkansas Baptist State Convention North American Missions Mobilization Office is ready to help you go wherever the Lord is calling.
  • Missions

Northwest Arkansas Ministry Center

The Northwest Arkansas Ministry Center provides facilities for Arkansas Baptist ministry work in the region.

One Day Mission Trip

Arkansas Baptists partner with local associations each year to impact lostness across the state through One Day Mission Trip events.
  • Missions

One Day: Serve Local

Imagine the Kingdom impact across our state if an opportunity existed for all ABSC churches to engage their communities in missions and evangelism on the exact same day.
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Most parents have a desire to see their children learn about God, trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and grow in a relationship with Him. We are here to help parents to provide resources on how to help their children grow spiritually at home.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Partnership Missions

We stand ready to help your church develop and carry out a strategy of missions involvement.  We'll help you make connections with chuch planters and missionaries anywhere in the world. And, check out our relationships with planters in Detroit, South Florida, and the IMB American Peoples Affinity.
  • Missions

Pray First

Pray First is a prayer initiative of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. Join us as we put God first by putting prayer first.
  • Executive + Administrative

Prayer for Revival & Spiritual Awakening

When, in response to the prompting of God, the people of God repent and seek the face and favor of God, yield to the will and ways of God, for the glory of God, and then enjoy the manifest presence of the person of God.
  • Executive + Administrative

Prayerwalking Ministry

Prayerwalking has been defined as praying onsite with insight, and it is a very important first contact of the church with its community.
  • Missions

Pregnancy Care Centers

The Arkansas Baptist State Convention partners in three different avenues with pregnancy care centers so that together we can make a difference.
  • Missions


We provide training and resources to equip churches to lay foundations of faith in the lives of preschoolers and to reach out to families with young children in their community.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Resume Service & Ministry Opportunities

Please provide as much information as possible so that we can respond to your job search request.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Safety & Security

Safety while at church has become a growing concern in our culture with the news of shootings and abuse. We provide churches with resources to assist in creating a safe environment where attendees can learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Senior Adults

We want to come alongside Arkansas Baptist churches to provide strategies and resources to reach, teach and minister to these older generations.
  • Evangelism + Church Health


We offer assistance to the local church with resources designed with the “single” person in mind.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Smaller Membership Church Ministry

We desire to provide resources, training, encouragement and support for leaders.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Spring Outreach Strategy

The Missions Team and the Evangelism Church Health Team are collaborating for the 2024 Spring Outreach Strategy.
  • Missions


It is our privilege to partner with your church by providing resources and personal assistance to help create a culture of generosity through the development of biblical stewards.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Student Missions Discipleship

Missions discipleship for students is, at its core, about making disciples. It’s about reaching the lost and helping them grow to become on-mission Christians.
  • Missions

Summer Camps

  • Executive + Administrative

Sunday School & Small Groups

For most churches, the largest ministry organization is the system used to organize people into groups. These groups are often the primary vehicle for ministry.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Super Kids Camp

Super Kids Camp Updates
  • Evangelism + Church Health

The Institute

Expand Your Theological Knowledge and Build Relationships with The Institute!
  • Church Planting

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

State Kids Ministry + VBS Trainings offer in-depth training and ideas for churches and associations in the areas of Kids Ministry, leader enlistment, bible study, crafts, and more!
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Weekday Education

The Weekday Early Education Ministry of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention seeks to support and encourage churches in preschool ministries and weekday programs-mother’s day out, weekday preschool, daycare, and after-school programs.
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Woman's Missionary Union

Through missions discipleship, we are continually being transformed to be more and more like Jesus. WMU helps Christ followers to be radically involved in missions in obedience to the Great Commission.
  • Missions

Women's Ministry

A fully developed ministry program offers women the opportunity to worship, grow, connect, serve, and share—together!
  • Evangelism + Church Health

Women's Missions Discipleship

myMission and Women on Mission are two ways to get the women in your church involved in missions.
  • Missions


Please contact us for assistance in student evangelism, strategy, planning, leadership, and resources.
  • Evangelism + Church Health